Applicable Products : IJCAD 2015 / 2016
Since the dynamic input support, keyword list of GetKeywaord such as Lisp of initget and VBA / .NET, which is to change the specification as enclosed in square brackets [], parentheses () can not be used.
The following is a sample of each language.
Imports GrxCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports GrxCAD.EditorInput
Imports GrxCAD.Runtime
Public Sub GetKeywordTest()
Dim icDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim icEd As Editor = icDoc.Editor
Dim pmtKeyOpt As New PromptKeywordOptions(vbCrLf + _
"Options [(T)est/(S)ample]", "Test Sample")
pmtKeyOpt.AllowNone = True
pmtKeyOpt.Keywords.Default = "Test"
Dim pmtKeyRes As PromptResult = icEd.GetKeywords(pmtKeyOpt)
If pmtKeyRes.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then
icEd.WriteMessage(vbCrLf + pmtKeyRes.StringResult)
End If
End Sub
using GrxCAD.ApplicationServices;
using GrxCAD.EditorInput;
using GrxCAD.Runtime;
public void GetKeywordTest()
Document icDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Editor icEd = icDoc.Editor;
PromptKeywordOptions pmtKeyOpt = new PromptKeywordOptions(
"\nOptions [(T)est/(S)ample]",
"Test Sample");
pmtKeyOpt.AllowNone = true;
pmtKeyOpt.Keywords.Default = "Test";
PromptResult pmtKeyRes = icEd.GetKeywords(pmtKeyOpt);
if (pmtKeyRes.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
icEd.WriteMessage("\n" + pmtKeyRes.StringResult);
Public Sub GetKeywordTest()
On Error Resume Next
Call Utility.InitializeUserInput(0, "Test Sample")
Dim res As String
res = Utility.GetKeyword(vbCrLf + "Options [(T)est/(S)ample]:")
If Err Then
MsgBox Err.Description & "(" & Err.Number & ")"
Exit Sub
End If
Utility.Prompt res
End Sub
(defun C:GETKYEWORDTEST ( / res )
(initget 0 "Sample Test")
(setq res (getkword "\nOptions [(S)ample/(T)est] : "))
(print res)
S at the time of input and returns to the case of the T, _s, _sa, _sam ... and _t, _te, the "Test" Ya "Sample" in the case of _tes.
※ In the case of LIPS and VBA: If put at the end, the message at the time of start-up command: do not appear.
If not put: the messages displayed on the command line: is not displayed.
When attached: the messages displayed on the command line: is displayed.