Applicable Products : IJCAD 2013/2014/2015/2016
If you are using a network license, a state that does not connect to the network for any reason (or, license status you can not find the server) If you start with, the initial setting and the same license of the selection screen is displayed at startup.
In a state that from the license server can not obtain a license, and you try to start as it is, (in the case of experience expired viewer) trial version will be launched in the state of.
If the license of the selection screen is displayed, the licensing scheme from in a state that can communicate the license server as a "network license", by proceeding, will be available as a product of the usual.
If you can not successfully communicate with the license server, make sure the following points.
Point to confirm from the license server when you can not obtain a license
- Or IJCAD license server is running.
- License server and if they can be connected to the communication network.
- Do not mistake the server IP address and port of.
- In security software and firewall, etc., or not applied communication restriction.
- Whether the communication speed of is not extremely slow (128kbps or less) environment.