Functions and Compatibility
- Is the Block editor prepared ?
- Is there Sheet set manager ?
- Is there any proble to install IJCAD on the PC which AutoCAD is already installed ?
- Can we use IJCAD on MAC ?
- Is there any difference in functionality between 64 bit version and 32 bit version ?
- Can I open the drawing file created on IJCAD, in AutoCAD ?
- Is the different scale supported ?
- Does IJCAD support continuous printing ?
- Do you support JW_CAD file ?
- Can I attach the image file (image raster) ?
- Which version of DWG/DXF format does IJCAD support ?
- Is it possible to edit the data created on AutoCAD Mechanical ?
- Is it possible to edit the dynamic block created in AutoCAD on IJCAD ?
- Can I try to read the PDF data by DEMO version ?
- Is it possible to read the scanned pdf data ?
- Can I try the SXF (.sfc/.p21)data by DEMO version ?
- Can I plot out ?
- Is it possible to transfer from the IntelliCAD of the other company ?